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Vegetable Initiative Report 2002


Table of Contents


Evaluation of Bio-Fungicides for Control of Bean Rust, 2002, Plateau Experiment Station

Performance of Fresh Market Snap Bean Cultivars, Plateau Experiment Station, 2002.


Evaluating ILPM Tactics for Varroa Destructor to Delay Onset of Treatment Threshold, 2002, Department of Entomology & Plant Pathology, University of Tennessee, Tennessee



Performance of Blackberry Cultivars, Plateau Experiment Station, 2002


Performance of Rabbiteye and Highbush Varieties of Blueberries

Blueberry Research in Tennessee in 2002


Control of Lepidopterous Pests on Cabbage, 2002, Plateau Experiment Station


Performance of SE Sweet Corn Cultivars, Plateau Experiment Station, 2002 2002

Performance of SE type Sweet Corn Cultivars, Ames Plantation, 2002

Weed Control Efficacy and Crop[ Damage by Carfentrazone-ethyl


Hydroponic Tomato and cucumber Production in Greenhouses at Tobacco Experiment Station in Greenville, 2002


Control of Botrytis in Greenhouse Grown Leaf Lettuce, 2002 Plateau Experiment Station


Distribution Barriers Confronting Small-Volumn Fruit and Vegetable Growers:  Results of the Tennessee Extension Service Survey, Ag Econ ResourceDevelopment, 2002

Small Produce Growers’ Marketing Behaviors: A case study of Tennessee, Ag Econ Resource Development, 2002

The Role of State Department of agriculture in Fresh Produce Marketing:  The situation in AL, AR, MS, MO, TN, and VA, Ag Econ Resource Development, 2002


Performance of Muskmelon Cultivars, Plateau Experiment Station, 2002

Speciality Melon Evaluation, Knoxville, Experiment Station, 2002


Evaluation of Plastic Mulch for pepper Production, Knoxville Experiment Station, 2002

Foliar Bio-Fungicides for Control of Disease on Peppers, Plateau Experiment Station, 2002

Foliar Bio-Fungicides for Control of Insect Pests on Peppers 2002, Plateau Experiment Station


Control of Insect Pests in Potatoes, Plateau Experiment Station, 2002


Effects of Foliar Fertilizers on Fungicide Efficacy on Pumpkins, West Tennessee Experiment Station, 2002

Performance of Pumpkin Cultivars, Ames Plantation, 2002

Performance of Pumpkin Cultivars, Plateau Experiment Station, 2002


Evaluation of Zucchini Squash Hybrids for Mechanical Harvest

Foliar Bio-Fungicides for Control of diseases on Squash, 2002 Plateau Experiment Station

Performance of summer Squash cultivars, Plateau Experiment Station, 2002


Greenhouse Production of Off-Season, Hydroponic Strawberries, West Tennessee Experiment Station, 2002


Control of Botrytis in Greenhouse Grown Tomatoes, 2002, Plateau Experiment Station

Foliar Bio-Insecticides for control of Insect Pests on Tomatoes, 2002, Plateau Experiment Station

Hydroponic Tomato and Cucumber Production in Greenhouses at Tobacco Experiment Station in Greeneville, 2002

Hydroponic Tomato Production in Greenhouses and Evaluation of Air-Recirculation System to Reduce Heating and Cooling Energy Costs, Knoxville Experiment Station, 2002


Performance of Tomato Cultivars, Middle Tennessee Experiment Station, 2002

Tomato Cultivar Evaluation, Tobacco Experiment Station, 2002


IR-4 Progress Report, 2002 Plateau Experiment Station





Email all comments and suggestions to bess@utk.edu
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