The reports contained within this publication represent the results of work completed in the 2000 growing season as part of the University of Tennessee Vegetable Initiative. These reports do not constitute recommendations to growers and producers. These reports represent only one growing season of data collection at a limited number of test locations. Data and results presented are for informational purposes only. Continued data collection in future years may result in grower recommendations as determined by individual researchers. Please keep these statements in mind as you peruse this publication.

The University of Tennessee Vegetable Initiative was begun in early 1996 to assist area vegetable producers with planning, production and marketing information in addition to research and extension work currently underway on vegetable and related topics. The Initiative is a team effort with personnel from several departments within the Institute of Agriculture cooperating. These departments include Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Entomology and Plant Pathology, Food Science and Technology and Plant and Soil Sciences. Additionally, Experiment station personnel at the Knoxville Plant Sciences Unit, the Plateau Experiment Station, the Highland Rim Experiment Station, the Middle Tennessee Experiment Station, and the West Tennessee Experiment Station cooperated with research work at each location. Both research and extension personnel have cooperated with work on experiment stations and private farms. Initiative team members are also working with state agencies and markets to further utilize available resources. Team members have been active in recruitment of agribusiness to Tennessee to enhance market availability to producers.

One objective of the Initiative is to seek input from short term, experienced and potential vegetable producers. Experienced producers can provide valuable advice to potential producers. Input from all producers and potential producers is continually sought by members of the Initiative. This input is extremely valuable to team members in decisions regarding the direction and scope of research and extension programs. Producers are encouraged to continue to make recommendations and suggestions to Initiative team members as new problems arise. County extension personnel are located in every county and can forward suggestions and recommendations to Initiative team members.

The Initiative embraces the concepts and proposals recommended by the Governor’s Council on Agriculture and Forestry. These concepts include expanding market efforts and promotion of Tennessee products. Technological advancement of value-added, processing, packaging and niche markets are also primary objectives of the Council and the Initiative.


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Copyright © 1999 by The University of Tennessee. All rights reserved.

This research represents one season's data and does not constitute recommendations.  After sufficient data is collected over the appropriate number of seasons, final recommendations will be made through research and extension publications.