Evaluation of an IPM Program for Control of Viral Diseases of Summer Squash at the West Tennessee Experiment Station, 2000

Craig H. Canaday and Brad B. Reddick

Interpretive Summary

An IPM approach for controlling the viral diseases affecting summer squash in West Tennessee was evaluated. The IPM program included soil application of a systemic insecticide (imidacloprid) at planting, regular sprays of an SAR inducer, and roguing of symptomatic plants. Use of PGPR was also evaluated, alone and in combination with the IPM program, for effects on plant diseases and yield. The IPM program, PGPR, and IPM + PGPR all significantly reduced the incidence of viral diseases. The percentage of unmarketable fruit due to viral infection was reduced with the IPM program. The severity of powdery mildew was also reduced by treatments that included the IPM program but not by PGPR alone.


Yields of summer squash in Tennessee are threatened by several cucurbit viruses. CMV (cucumber mosaic virus), PRSV-W (papaya ringspot virus type W, formerly called WMV-1), SqMV (squash mosaic virus), WMV (watermelon mosaic virus, formerly called WMV-2), and ZYMV (zucchini yellow mosaic virus) are common in Tennessee. Infected plants produce unmarketable fruit with green stripes, blotches, or mosaic patterns. Plant infection thus limits marketable yields and discourages production.

The enormous number of alternative hosts for these viruses plus numerous insect vectors make control extremely difficult. Many of the vectors are aphids. Some aphids can acquire or transmit the viruses within one minute, making insecticides ineffective for control. Virus problems on summer squash generally increase during the summer months as both the aphid populations and the number of infected alternative hosts in the surrounding environment increase.

One relatively new product for possibly controlling viral diseases is ‘Actigard’ - a material which induces Systemic Activated Resistance (SAR) in the host plant. Another product which has been reported to successfully control viral diseases of some vegetable crops is BioYield 213. The latter product is a combination of two species of Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) and is mixed with transplant potting mixes. It purportedly promotes plant growth and fruit yield while at the same time decreasing the incidence or severity of viral diseases. This study evaluates combining these products with other Integrated Pest Management (IPM) procedures for control of viral diseases of summer squash.

Materials and Methods

The experiment was conducted at The University of Tennessee's West Tennessee Experiment Station at Jackson, on a Calloway-Henry silt loam complex with high soil test levels of available P and K. A split-plot design was used with four disease-control programs as main plots: (1) untreated plots, (2) IPM plots, (3) PGPR plots, and (4) plots with both PGPR and the IPM program. The IPM program consisted of a soil-drench of imidacloprid + sprays of an SAR inducer every 7-10 days + weekly roguing of diseased plants. Two yellow straightneck summer

squash varieties, ‘Gold Slice’ and ‘Lemondrop L’, were used as subplots. Each subplot consisted of three rows of squash with 11 plants/row. Rows were five feet apart with two feet between plants within rows.

Speedling trays (72-cell) were used to produce squash transplants for this study. The trays were prepared Jun 15 and filled either with Pro-Mix BX or a 40:1 mixture (by volume) of Pro-Mix BX and BioYield 213. The Speedling trays were then seeded with either Gold Slice or Lemon-

drop L.

Soil was prepared for planting with a disk and field harrow on Jun 23. Curbit EC at 4.0 pt/A was applied Jun 26 as a preemergence herbicide for weed control. Squash transplants were set by hand Jun 26 - Jul 1. For IPM plots, transplant holes received 1.7 fl oz of a mixture of 1.0 fl oz Admire 2F in 2.6 gal water - a mix equivalent to 22 fl oz product/A. Control plots and PGPR alone plots received only water.

The test was irrigated four times using a lateral boom system that applied 0.4 - 0.6 in. water/irrigation: on Jul 3, 7, and 25. Rows were sidedressed with ammonium nitrate at 40 lb N/A on Jul 3 and again on Jul 19. Actigard 50WG at 0.12 lb/A was applied five times to IPM plots (on Jul 3, 11, 20, and 31 and on Aug 7) using a horizontal boom sprayer. All plants in IPM plots were examined weekly for any symptoms of viral infection. Plants with obvious symptoms of viral infection were removed. The center four rows of each plot were harvested eight times Jul 21 - Aug 14. To limit hand transmission of viruses between treatments, IPM plots were always harvested before the untreated plots or plots treated only with PGPR.

Leaves from 11 plants representing a range of symptoms of viral infection plus leaves from two symptomless plants were collected Aug 22 and assayed for the presence of CMV, PRSV-W, SqMV, WMV, and ZYMV using standard ELISA techniques. Powdery mildew disease severity ratings were recorded Aug 23. The percentage of leaf area in the upper a and lower a of the leaf canopy covered with powdery mildew was recorded for four representative plants/variety/plot.

Results and Discussion

Plants with symptoms of viral infection (e.g., leaf mottling) were first noted on Jul 18. The proportion of plants with apparent viral infection increased very gradually over the next five weeks. Ten of the 11 diseased plants assayed for the presence of curcurbit viruses tested positive for viral infection: eight for CMV and two for PRSV-W. Neither of the two symptomless plants from IPM plots tested positive for viral infection.

The incidence of viral infection on Jul 20 and on Aug 4 and 14 was significantly reduced with the IPM program, use of PGPR, or the IPM + PGPR combination compared to the untreated plots (Table 1, bottom). By Aug 23, only PGPR alone or in combination with the IPM program continued to significantly reduce the incidence of viral infection. There was no difference in the incidence of viral infection between the two varieties (Table 1, top). In contrast, powdery mildew was significantly more severe on ‘Lemondrop L’ than on ‘Gold Slice’ (Table 2, top). Only the IPM program, with or without the use of PGPR, reduced the severity of powdery mildew (Table 2, bottom).



The IPM program and the PGPR had no obvious effects on plant growth. The number and weight of squash fruit harvested were also unaffected (Table 3). However, the percentage of unmarketable fruit produced due to the greening, mottling, etc. associated with viral infection was significantly less with the IPM program than in untreated plots (Table 3) .

Table 1. Effects of variety, IPM program, and PGPR on the incidence of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) and papaya ringspot virus type W (PRSV-W) of summer squash, Jackson, TN, 2000.



Percentage of plants with symptoms of viral infection 3

Jul 20

Jul 28

Aug 4

Aug 14

Aug 23


Gold Slice

2 a

4 a

5 a

6 a

8 a

Lemondrop L

2 a

3 a

6 a

6 a

11 a

Disease-control program

(1) untreated

7 a

7 a

12 a

13 a

16 a

(2) IPM program1

1 b

3 a

3 b

5 b

10 ab

(3) PGPR2 added to potting mix

1 b

2 a

4 b

4 b

6 b

(4) IPM program + PGPR


2 a

2 b

3 b

6 b

1 IPM program = soil drench of imidacloprid at transplanting (Admire 2F at 22 oz/A) + sprays of an SAR inducer every 7-10 days (Actigard 50WG at 2 oz/A) + weekly removal of symptomatic plants.

2 PGPR = Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (BioYield 213).

3 Values are the means of either eight replications (for variety) or sixteen replications (for disease-control program). Means in the same column for the same factor (variety or disease-control program) followed by the same letter do not differ significantly by Fisher’s (protected) LSD (P = 0.05).



Table 2. Effects of variety, IPM program, and PGPR on the severity of powdery mildew on summer squash, Jackson, TN, 2000.




Powdery mildew severity (% of leaf area affected) 3

upper a of plant

lower a of plant


Gold Slice

0 b

2 b

Lemondrop L

2 a

10 a


Disease-control program

Gold Slice

Lemondrop L

upper a

lower a

upper a

lower a

(1) untreated

0 a

3 a

4 a

14 a

(2) IPM program1

0 a

0 b

0 b

2 b

(3) PGPR2 added to potting mix

1 a

5 a

3 a

26 a

(4) IPM program + PGPR

0 a

0 b

0 b

0 b

1 IPM program = soil drench of imidacloprid at transplanting (Admire 2F at 22 oz/A) + sprays of an SAR inducer every 7-10 days (Actigard 50WG at 2 oz/A) + weekly removal of symptomatic plants.

2 PGPR = Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (BioYield 213).

3 Values are the means of either eight replications (for variety) or sixteen replications (for disease-control program). Means in the same column for the same factor (variety or disease-control program) followed by the same letter do not differ significantly by Fisher’s (protected) LSD (P = 0.05).



Table 3. Effects of variety, IPM program, and PGPR on yields of squash fruit and percentages of fruit with symptoms of viral infection, Jackson, TN, 2000.



Yields/plot 3,4

% with disease symptoms 5


weight (lb)




Gold Slice

178 b

50 b

5 a

4 a

Lemondrop L

232 a

78 a

3 a

2 a

Disease-control program

(1) untreated

204 a

64 a

7 a

7 a

(2) IPM program1

193 a

61 a

3 bc

2 b

(3) PGPR2 added to potting mix

220 a

70 a

4 ab

3 ab

(4) IPM program + PGPR

203 a

62 a

1 c

1 b

1 IPM program = soil drench of imidacloprid at transplanting (Admire 2F at 22 oz/A) + sprays of an SAR inducer every 7-10 days (Actigard 50WG at 2 oz/A) + weekly removal of symptomatic plants.

2 PGPR = Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (BioYield 213).

3 Values are the means of either eight replications (for variety) or sixteen replications (for disease-control program). Means in the same column for the same factor (variety or disease-control program) followed by the same letter do not differ significantly by Fisher’s (protected) LSD (P = 0.05).

4 Squash were harvested eight times Jul 21 - Aug 14.

5 Green spots, blotches, or streaks or a general greening with yellow spots.


Email all comments and suggestions to ghonea@utk.edu
Copyright © 1999 by The University of Tennessee. All rights reserved.

This research represents one season's data and does not constitute recommendations.  After sufficient data is collected over the appropriate number of seasons, final recommendations will be made through research and extension publications.