UT Extension

The University of Tennessee

Home Articles&Plans Operation Category Crop Category Publications

The University of Tennessee

Institute of Agriculture

College of Ag Sciences & Nat. Resources

UT Extension Service

Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science

Contact bess@utk.edu if you have questions


Small Engines
Vegetables-Post Harvest


SP268G - Calibrating Fertilizer Spreaders for Lawns and Gardens

PB1515 Land Application of Biosolids


PB 1388 Using Combines Efficiently


PB 1340 Modern Haymaking: Practices& Machines in Tennessee (5.1 mb)

PB 1255 Drying, Handling, Storing and Feeding Hay in Tennessee (4.1 mb)

PB 1300 Safety for Haymaking Equipment

PB 1307 Silo Fires - Prevention and Control

PB 1306 Hay Fires - Prevention and Control


Conditioning Forage Plants

Field Management of Site Delivery Rakes

Field Management of Hay Balers

Small Engines

SP268A - Servicing Air Cleaners on Small Engines

SP268B - Trouble Shooting Small Engines

SP268C - Spark Plugs for Small Engines

SP268D - Carburetor Adjustment on Small Engines

SP268E - Servicing Small Engines on Lawn and Garden Equipment

SP268P - Small Engine Maintenance and Operation

SP268H - Maintaining & Trouble Shooting Chainsaws

SP268I - Oils for Two-Cycle Engines

SP268Q - Synthetic Motor Oils

SP399B - Facts about Engine Oil

SP268J - Proper Disposal of Used Motor Oil

SP268L - Octane Ratings of Gasoline

SP268M - Fuels for Gasoline Engines (Ethanol and Engines)

SP268K - Testing Gasoline for Alcohol

SP268N - The Inside Facts on Chippers and Shredders

SP268O - Mulching Mowers


Home and Garden

SP268F - Selection and Maintenance of Hand Sprayers for Home and Garden


PB 1535 Agricultural Chemical Sprayer Facts


PB 1276 A Guide to Proper Sprayer Calibration (3.5 mb)

SP 394 Agricultural Chemical Sprayer Calibration


PB 1233 Sprayer Nozzle Tip Capacity Information (10.6 mb)

Rinse System

PB 1461 Tennessee In-field Sprayer Mounted Rinse System (TISMRS)

Vegetables - Post Harvest

PB 1236 Equilibrium Moisture Content in Grain Drying and Management

PB 1235 Drying, Handling and Storing Soybeans

SP 399-C Post-Harvest Handling, Cooling and Storage of Sweet Corn

SP 399-F Post-Harvest Handling, Cooling and Storage of Cantaloupes

PB 816 Grain Drying Facts and Principles



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