Environmental Science


The B.S. degree in
Environmental and Soil Sciences with a concentration
in Environmental Science includes the study of land,
soil, and water resources, and their role in natural
and managed ecosystems. It provides students with
a strong background in basic sciences and
technology that prepares them for careers in
environmental consulting, natural resource
management, soil science, and agriculture.

In addition to science and technology courses,
students learn about societal issues related to the
environment, such as policy, economics, and ethics.
Students develop expertise with modern technologies
such as geographical information systems, global
positioning systems, and career-related computer
applications. The degree also has a strong
communication component that helps students gain
communication skills needed in today’s workplace.
Most students participate in an internship program
that leads to real-world experiences in
environmentally-related careers.
Career Opportunities

Some Environmental Science graduates pursue
careers related to food and fiber production; others
focus on environmental remediation or compliance;
others may work as research assistants; many
continue with graduate studies. The curriculum
prepares graduates for an interesting and challenging
career path working with other professionals to solve
complex environmental problems. Examples of
potential careers include: reclaiming contaminated
sites; designing and monitoring landfills; analyzing
and protecting rural or urban water supplies;
planning for stormwater; working in a university or
industry setting as a specialist or scientist; private
consulting in environmental and agricultural areas;
and working with non-governmental organizations.


Employers include environmental or agricultural
consulting firms, government regulatory agencies at
the state and federal levels, public health services,
environmental laboratories, and agricultural
production companies.

Salary Trends

Median annual earnings of environmental
scientists were $51,080 in May 2004. The middle
50 percent earned between $39,100 and $67,360.
Average earnings per sector include: Federal
government - $73,530; Management, scientific,
and technical consulting services - $51,190; Local
government - $48,870; State government -

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According to the National Association of Colleges
and Employers, beginning salary offers in July
2005 for graduates with bachelor’s degrees in
environmental science averaged $31,366 a year

High School Preparation

Successful students in environmental science
typically have a strong high school background in
science, particularly biology and chemistry. Other
useful traits are interest in environmental issues, a
love of the outdoors, good communication abilities,
both written and verbal, and experience with
computers. A strong background in these areas will
enable you to more easily begin your college work.
Also, if you are able to earn advanced placement
credit in some of these areas, you may have
additional options later in your degree program.
These could include taking specialized courses that
interest you, working in a lab, or contributing to a
research project, thus providing valuable experience
and improving your employment opportunities.
How to Major

The concentration in environmental science in the
environmental and soil sciences major is obtained
through the Department of Biosystems
Engineering and Soil Science. Our faculty and
students enjoy talking with prospective students.
A faculty member (or a student, if you prefer) will
guide you through our labs and answer your
questions about the department.


It is important to choose your desired
concentration early (preferably at or before
enrollment), to avoid having to make up specific
required courses. There are provisions for elective
courses to be taken in specific subject areas at
various stages of your degree program. Students
consult with their advisors each semester about
their interests and the appropriate classes to meet
the students’ needs.


In the junior and senior years, students are
directed into several environmental and soil
science courses, and additional ecology and
natural resource classes. Students are introduced
to environmental instrumentation and GIS/GPS.

Additional emphases include speech, technical
writing, economics and environmental ethics. The
environmental science concentration shares many
courses with the soil science concentration, but
does not go as deeply into the formation, biology,
chemistry, and physics of soils. Finally, a number
of directed technical electives allow the student to
focus on an area of interest. This focus will
introduce students to natural resource problems
and their management.

Cooperative education involves alternating periods
of full-time study and full-time work. It combines
classroom learn-ing with productive work
experience in a related field. Students are
employed in paid full-time positions by industry,
business, and government organizations. An
internship is a structured work session of 10–12
weeks, usually in the summer, in which you apply
what you have learned in the classroom to real-life
problems, while being mentored by a trained
professional. Most internships are with large
companies or government agencies, providing
students with valuable experience and a
competitive salary.

The environmental sciences concentration
aggressively encourages all students to co-op or
intern while in college. Can you see yourself
collecting samples in the field, doing applied
research, sampling envi-ronmental features,
learning to map soils, constructing wetlands, or
teaching environmental education to our youth?


Our program has a low student-professor ratio,
with more one-to-one time with professors for
academic counseling, assistance with coursework,
or friendly conversation! Our major includes
training in developing and delivering presentations
through seminars, poster sessions, papers, and
attendance at professional meetings. Students are
eligible for scholarship money from both the
University and CASNR. Award rates and amounts
are significantly higher than in some other

We have international opportunities for short
foreign study tours or full-semestester study
abroad. Exotic destinations include the Caribbean
and Thailand. The Plants, Soils, and Environment
Science Club is an excellent opportunity to develop
outdoor and leadership skills.


Freshman Year:
English Composition / 6
Biodiversity, Cell Biology / 8
General Chemistry / 8
Soils & Civilizations / 3
Math for the Life Sciences / 6
Total: 31 hours

Sophomore Year:
Gen. Ed. Electives / 3
Computer Applications / 3
General Ecology / 4
Economics / 4
Introduction to Soil Science / 4
The Dynamic Earth / 4
Microbiology / 3
Elements of Physics / 4
Statistics / 3
Total: 32 hours

Junior Year:
Organic Chemistry / 3
Gen. Ed. Electives / 6
Technical Elective / 3
GIS/GPS Applications / 3
Soil and Water Conservation / 3
Soil Nutrient Management / 3
Environmental Soil Biology / 3
Professional Development / 1
Environmental Ethics / 3
Technical Writing / 3
Total: 31 hours

Senior Year:
Unrestricted Elective / 3
Technical Electives / 9
Resource Economics / 3
Environmental Soil Chemistry / 3
Environmental Climatology / 3
Soils & the Envir. (capstone) / 3
Transport Processes in Soil / 3
Surveying or Instrumentation / 3
Total: 30 hours

To Contact:

Biosystems Engineering & Soil Science
2506 E.J. Chapman Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996-4531
Phone: 865-974-7266
Email: href='mailto:bess@utk.edu'>bess@utk.edu
Web: href='http://ag.tennessee.edu/BESS'>ag.tennessee.

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