B.S. Biosystems Engineering
Environmental Engineering Minor, 2012-2013

The Biosystems Engineering Standard Sequence automatically meets many of the requirements for the Environmental Engineering Minor. The Minor can be achieved with only 6 additional credit hours by using any of the required courses to meet two of the Technical Elective requirements, and taking two additional courses. Talk to your advisor about whether this is the best option or you, and how to fit it into your schedule. Note that it may take a little shifting around of courses to make sure that you are scheduled to take the courses in the right semester, and that there are a couple of other options available if scheduling conflicts arise.

You can get more information on the Environmental Engineering Minor in the Undergraduate Catalog. The current stated requirements are:

- select one: CHEM230, CHEM310, CHEM350, ENVE511
- select one: BSE576, CBE235, CBE475, ENVE513
- select one: BSE221*, CBE201, CE381
- select one: BSE416*, CE485, CE494, GEOL485
- select 3: BsE431*, BSE525, BSE555, CBE340, CBE481, CE481, ENVE512, ENVE520, ENVE525, ENVE535, ENVE558, ENVE574, ESS444, ESS454

* already required as part of the standard BsE curriculum; all but 416 are required as part of the Pre-Professional concentration