BsE104 Design Apprenticeship (1) Exposure to design in biosystems engineering through apprenticeship with senior design teams in Biosystems Engineering 402. Apprentices will assist with design, construction, testing, analysis, and presentation of project. Will also include background in engineering design, engineering project management, and engineering design tools. Contact Hour Distribution: 2-hour lab. (RE) Prerequisite(s): Engineering Fundamentals 151.

BsE201 Career Opportunities (1) Activities and opportunities in the fields of specialization; required training for each area; projected career activities.

BsE221 Mass and Energy in Biosystems (3) Introduction to thermodynamic concepts for biological systems (energy, mass and energy balances, processes and cycles); psychrometrics and psychrometric processes; biological systems and the biosphere (bioenergetics, hydrologic cycle, global energy cycle). Contact Hour Distribution: 2 hours and 1 lab. (RE) Prerequisite(s): Chemistry 120 (RE) Corequisite(s): Engineering Fundamentals 152.

BsE231 Biochemistry for Engineers (3) Fundamentals of biochemistry presented from an engineering point of view and applied to solve engineering-related problems. Topics to be covered include fundamental organic chemistry of amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids and other important biochemicals; the role and control of pH in biological solutions; fundamental biochemistry of proteins and enzymes; introduction to bioenergetics and metabolic pathways, and the replication, transcription, and translation of DNA. (RE) Prerequisite(s): Chemistry 120 and Mathematics 141.

BsE321 Biothermodynamics, Heat & Mass Transfer (3) Application of thermodynamics to biological systems; heat transfer, with emphasis upon conduction and convection applications; introduction to diffusion mass transfer. Contact Hour Distribution: 2 hours and 1 lab. (RE) Prerequisite(s): 221.

BsE401 Biosystems Engineering Design I (OC)* (2) First course of a capstone design sequence. Review of fundamental engineering principles and design proposal generation. Design proposals will include preliminary engineering analyses, extensive documentation, and multiple individual and group presentations. (OC) (RE) Prerequisite(s): Three of 411, 416, 431, 451. (RE) Corequisite(s): 404.

BsE402 Biosystems Engineering Design II (6) Culmination of capstone design sequence. Intensive design experience on project chosen and approved in 401. Analysis, construction, testing, evaluation, and reporting required. Periodic oral and written reports and submission of design to external engineering design competition or display required. (RE)Prerequisite(s): 401 and 404

BsE404 Engineering Project Management (3) Fundamentals and theory of engineering design and engineering project management, use of computerized project management tools, ethical responsibilities and contemporary issues in biosystems engineering, incorporation of economic considerations in engineering design, individual professional and portfolio development. (RE) Corequisite(s): 401.

BsE411 Mechanical Systems Engineering (3) Fundamentals of power delivery systems and simple mechanisms; selection and design of mechanical, hydraulic, and tractive power transmission systems. Emphasis on off-road vehicles and bioprocessing systems. Contact Hour Distribution: 2 hours and 1 lab. (RE) Prerequisite(s): Mechanical Engineering 231 and Mechanical Engineering 321.

BsE416 Hydrology (3) An introduction to hydrology and associated environmental implications including: the hydrologic cycle, evapotranspiration, runoff, erosion, unit hydrograph operations, routing, open channel flow, groundwater, infiltration, and urban stormwater. Contact Hour Distribution: 2 hours and 1 lab. (RE) Prerequisite: Aerospace Engineering 341.

BsE431 Bioprocess Engineering (3) Development of interdisciplinary bioprocess engineering; basics of biology in an engineering perspective; enzymatic reaction kinetics; metabolism and bioenergetics; cell growth kinetics and product formation; engineering principles applied to bioprocess engineering including mass balance, energy balance, and reaction kinetics; reactor design and systems; introduction to bioseparations; practical aspects of bioprocess engineers and process development. Contact Hour Distribution: 2 hours and 1 lab. (RE) Prerequisite(s): 321.

BsE444 Practicum in Engineering (3) Applications of engineering theory and design in selecting, sizing, and fabricating engineering materials, and in developing processes and systems typically used in biosystems engineering. Contact Hour Distribution: 1 hour and 2 labs. (RE) Corequisite(s): 401, 404.

BsE451 Instrumentation & Control (4) Basic electronics with biological applications. Analog and digital electronics; sensing and controlling physical and environmental parameters; sensor selection and interfacing; signal conditioning; process control. Includes laboratory experiments and design projects. Contact Hour Distribution: 3 hours and 1 lab. (RE) Prerequisite(s): Electrical and Computer Engineering 301.

BsE470 Special Problems in Biosystems Engineering (1-3) Selection, analysis solution, and report of problem. Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours. Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.

BsE480 Selected Topics in Biosystems Engineering (1-3) Current trends and problems in biosystems engineering. Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.

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