Current Department Faculty

Carrier, Danielle Julie Professor & Head  
Drumm, Eric C. Professor & Head  
Ayers, Paul D. Professor Machine systems 
Buchanan, John R. Associate Professor Wastewater Management 
Buschermohle, Michael J. Professor Precision Agriculture 
DeBruyn, Jennifer M. Assistant Professor Environmental Microbiology 
Duncan, Lori Allison Extension Specialist Row Crop Sustainability 
Eash, Neal S. Associate Professor Soil Science 
Essington, Michael E. Professor Soil chemistry and mineralogy 
Freeland, Robert S. Professor Biological Instrumentation 
Ghosh, Dhritiman Research Assistant Professor Bacteriophage microbiology/ecology 
Grandle, George F. Post Retirement Appointment Livestock production systems 
Hart, William E. Associate Professor Power and machinery 
Hawkins, Shawn A. Assistant Professor Animal Waste Management 
Hayes, Douglas G. Professor Biological process engineering 
Jardine, Philip  Research Professor  
Lee, Jaehoon Associate Professor Environmental soil physics 
Leib, Brian G. Associate Professor Irrigation & water management 
Logan, Joanne Associate Professor Applied Climatology and Climate Change 
Ludwig, Andrea L. Assistant Professor Watershed Science and Management 
Parker, Charles Pending Employee  
Prather, Timothy G. Extension Specialist I Farm safety, AgrAbility, & precision ag 
Radosevich, Mark Professor Soil microbiology & biochemistry 
Savoy, Hubert J. Associate Professor Soil fertility and testing 
Schaeffer, Sean Assistant Professor Biogeochemistry 
Sherfy, Andrew C Lecturer  
Tompkins, Fred D. Distinguished Professor Power and machinery 
Tyler, Donald D. Professor No-till and precision farming 
Tyner, John S. Associate Professor Unsaturated flow and transport 
Walker, Forbes R. Associate Professor Environmental soil science 
Wilkerson, John B. Professor Sensor development 
Womac, Alvin R. Professor Mechanical & spray applications 
Ye, X. Philip Associate Professor Value-added bioprocess engineering 
Yoder, Daniel C. Professor Soil and water engineering 
Zhuang, Jie Research Professor Fate and Transport of Envir. Contaminant